Biksafe marketing strategy for you
Biksafe’s marketing strategy for your organisation will be consistent with your company’s vision in addition to being mutually supportive of your objectives. To successfully market your services or products, we operate a seven-part process that will advantageously position your services or products.
1. Consumer analysis: People do not have the same needs or desires. Our objective here will be to identify groups of people and companies that will benefit from what you produce.
2. Market analysis: We take a broader view of potential clients to include market sizes and trends as well as review the competitive and regulatory environment. The key question is, “What is the relevant market for you?” We identify the relevant market for your services and help you target this market.
3. Review of the competition and self: What are your core competencies? What are your weaknesses? How can you capitalise on your strength or exploit your competitors’ weaknesses? We will show you and help you achieve your aim.
4. Review of the distribution channel: We will review your traditional channel of distribution – how you reach your customers – and create a new strategy that will exploit the latest marketing strategies, using your website, Direct Mail, and other approaches of reaching your customers more effectively.
5. Development of a “preliminary” marketing mix: We design an action plan to market your services. We take into consideration the complex mix of your services, your targets, your price and the promotion methods that are suitable for your services.
6. Evaluation of the economics: No marketing succeeds without a proper budgetary consideration. Biksafe will calculate the costs of your marketing plan, both fixed and variable, and ensure that you get good returns for your money. We will also ensure that your goals continue to be reasonable and attainable.
7. Revision and extension of steps 1-6 until a consistent plan or strategy emerges. Then, and only then, can we realistically claim to be satisfied.
How we define our marketing services for you
Want to know more?
contact us for more information on how we can help your organisation, or:
Tel: 01634 297 335
Fax: 08701 333 055