
About Biksafe


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About Biksafe Ventures Limited

Biksafe Ventures Limited is an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) company founded in 2003 to provide IT Consultancy and allied services. The company provides consultancy in the areas of Asset Management for organisations, Web Development and Management and PC Networking using cables and Wireless technology.

We also provide advice on PC Security, including protection against viruses, trojans, worms, spyware, phishing and hijacking scams in both corporate and home settings.

In Web Development, we are familiar with, and use, many bespoken applications such as:

As a company, we always strive to be aware of the latest technology in the ICT industry and we are dedicated to making use of the best technologies, methods and skills to deliver effective and creative solutions. At Biksafe, we are committed to delivering value-added services, a greater focus on technical expertise, and higher levels of satisfaction to our clients.

Biksafe Ventures Limited also offers consultancy and services on Management Accountancy.

Chief Operations Officer

Solá Adéyemí has considerable experience of traditional media and new media communications. He is a trained designer and worked for many years in the Theatre before turning his creative talents to the Web. After serving as the Web Editor of a leading South African newspaper, The Natal Witness, for a few years, he worked as a Web Developer, Designer and Content Writer for a number of companies in London. He writes short stories (fiction) and poetry in his spare moments. He established Biksafe Ventures Limited in March 2003.

Some of Biksafe's clients

Our clients include:

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